Court summons for driving without insurance


Registered User
My partner two years ago in 2012 bought a car and stupidly thought he would take it for a drive before insuring it and got pulled over. As far as he remembers he didn't have his paper part of his licence so the points were not printed on there. In 2013 his insurance policy got cancelled without his knowledge as they had not received no claims documentation and he got pulled over for no insurance again and inconveniently then received the letter stating his policy had been cancelled. At this point he already had 3 points on his licence , he was summonsed to court for this offence. At court the judge stated that taking into consideration he has three points and 6 points for the first time he drove without insurance he already has 9 points the judge then have him 7 points for the second no insurance offence and he received a driving ban for 9 months (under totting up more than 12 points not for the offence itself) and a fine which is perfectly acceptable.However he has now received a court summons for the first offence of no insurance in 2012 he has written back pleading not guilty as according to the courts this was taken into consideration when he received the ban and fine had it not he would not have been banned as his points would not have totted up to 12. I'm not familiar with driving offences and I can't work out why he would need to go to court again?
First off you mention the paper part of his licence. You do realise this is an Irish site?