Court Order/Judgment


Registered User
I would like to get some clarity on a situation regarding a sizeable amount of money owed by one individual to another.
A court order is about to issue to A to pay B. If this is not complied with them my understanding is that a judgment can be requested from the court which effectively means that specific assets of A's will have to be sold to meet the liability to B.
My question really is what is the main implication to a person on whom a judgment has been assessed? What restriction if any does it impose?
My question really is what is the main implication to a person on whom a judgment has been assessed? What restriction if any does it impose?

What exactly is your question? What kind of restrictions are you referring to?
If a person has a judgment registered against them what is the implication of that in respect of what restrictions does this impose whilst that judgment has not been satisfied.
Not sure what you're asking...........

If I have a judgment marked against me?

It affects my credit rating - if someone does a search, they may find the judgment which would make them very suspicious before they would lend me money.

Once there is a judgment against me, the Judgment Creditor may seek to enforce that judgment. They may seek a Judgment Mortgage on any property I own.

They may seek to bankrupt me. They may send the sheriff out to my property to seize my goods. They may seek an instalment order against me.

It comes down to the ability of the judgment debtor to pay and whether thay can actually discharge the debt. It also depends on the judgment creditor and whether they are willing to enforce the judgment.
