Court Judgement



I have had a judgement lodged against me in the distric court due to falling behind on a bank loan. Im a single parent. In college. from pretty poor family.
I contacted the bank and i up'ed the payment amount on the loan so the did not proceed with action. how can i get my name off that judgement register with out being made a show of in court. Im doing my best to make a life for myself im only 23 with a 7 year old and doing a law degree.
I will be able to afford to pay the money back when i get out working
but ill never get home loan now
It's not clear from your post that there actually is a judgement against you- if you upped your payments so that the bank would not proceed then maybe they did not obtain a judgement?

If they did get a judgement against you it can either be registered or unregistered. Some banks would have a policy of automatically registering these. If it is registered against you the bank would have to unregister it which is unlikely until the debt is cleared.

Which means that at the moment it will not be in your favour if you want to get a homeloan. However it doesnt sound like you are in a position to buy a house now anyway. You are only 23 and you are embarking on a career with fairly solid salary prospects once you qualify. Perhaps now isnt the best time to take on more debt in anycase. If you wait until you qualify you will find that despite any judgement registered against you, if you can prove a good repayment history and you have a solid income, banks will be willing to lend.
BTW I think you are admirable in managing being a single parent and going back to college- future looks bright so don't panic. You don't need to be on the property ladder at 23.