Court case with Motor Insurance Bureau


Registered User

A friend of mine is bringing a case against MIBI and i'm just wondering if you think she will get any compensation for it and who do you think is responsible for the accident.

Basically she was pulling out onto a main road & her car stalled and another driver hit her car in the side. Before she pulled out she said she did not see a car coming.

It was a fairly serious accident & my friend had serious injuries. I have seen the car and i am amazed how she got out of it alive. The person in the other car did not have any serious injuries. The road my friend was pulling out onto it had a 30mph limit & if the driver had been going this slow, i don't think she would have caused this much damage...

My friend was in intensive care for a week & in hospital for a few months. She was in a wheelchair also as she broke a bone in her pelvis. She still has problems with her back etc & has all medical history to prove this.

My friend found out a long time ago that the person in the other car claimed off my friend's insurance & got some money out of it. (I didnt' know she could even do this if she was not insured in the first place?)

When my friend was in hospital, the person who crashed into her came into see her & said that her kids distracted her (is this her accepting responsibility?)

So my question is, who is responsible for this accident?
Has anyone else had any experience with cases against the MIBI?

Sorry i think i posted this in the wrong section - can i move this to the Insurance section?
how is she bringing a case against the MIBI? she can only do this where the other driver was either unidentified or uninsured, neither of which seem to be the case here.
an unwitnessed statement of guilt would not be worth much I would think and anyway is not from the person or body being sued the MIBI.
I don't think you have the full story.
Sorry i thought i said in the first post. The person who crashed into her was uninsured.
From the sound of things your friend was on a minor road and entering a major road. This action, (assuming that I'm reading your post correctly) would make her responsible for the accident - in which case she wouldn't be entitled to compensation from anyone.