Couple, each with company pension - Double Income family for tax purposes?


Registered User
If one partner has a social welfare pension and the other has a company pension they are treated as a single income family for tax purposes, (i.e. one spouse with waged income) The company pension is treated as waged income? If husband and wife each have a company pension are they treated as a double waged income family for tax purposes. Any help with this query would be appreciated.
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As with any other married couple they can choose whether they wish to be taxed singly,seperately, or jointly.

As all income is taxable whether it arises from Company pension or social welfare pension I suggest they are taxed whichever way is most beneficial to them. Usually this is jointly
Thanks for your reply Blacksheep

Perhaps I did not express my query properly.

I am not referring to how people should be assessed - i.e. separately or as a couple.

Joint assessment - If one partner has a company pension and the other has an invalidity pension they are regarded as a single income family for the 'standard rate cut off point'. Joint assessment - If one partner has a company pension and the other has a small company pension are they regarded as a double income family from the point of 'standard rate cut off point'

Sorry for the confusion in my previous post.

Wife's Invalidity Pension (and his own State Pension as I assume he has one) will be 'coded in' against his tax credits and SPCOP thereby reducing them.

A PAYE credit will be allowed to both which will cover a large portion of the pension