Couple and Infant travel insurance -- Please recommend


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I want to purchase travel insurance for multitrip annual cover with no extras (longstay/golf/ski etc). Please can anyone who has cover for couple and infant advise me as to what offers good value for money, ie no need to bring your own ambulance?

I have got cheapest quote from following the tips offered on the topic under 'best buys' thread but do not necessarily want the cheapest cover. The terms and conditions seem similar for all the quotes BUT would really like to know what the reality is when/if claim is made (hopefully never need to). With this in mind, does anyone recommend/not recommend getcover, justcover or vhi family, as these are what I am considering? Any other recommendations also welcome.

Thank you
If you are in the VHi wouldn't they be the best to go with? My son, who is not in VHI, recently shopped around for himself, partner and child. Having compared various quotes he went with get.cover. Know nothing about how good they are re claim - thank God not necessary so far.
If you are in the VHi wouldn't they be the best to go with?
Not necessarily - we (couple plus infant) are with VHI but found that the most competitive quote for annual, multi-trip, global travel insurace matching our specific needs came not from them but from Ultimately you need to shop around for the best deal that matches your specific needs.
I've bought our family travel insurance from for the last couple of years and found their rates to be very good. Think it was €135 for worldwide travel including winter sports. However, I was looking for extras that you don't seem to need, so it may not be right for you. No harm looking anyhow.
The important words from Clubman are ''matching our specific needs'' and while aware of more competitive rates elsewhere I felt safer with VHI, purely a personal choice. My son felt Getcover covered his needs (he paid around €100 euro and I think Justcover were about the same. I wonder about the policy Rainyday received from the credit union for €75. I asked my credit union and they were almost double that price. Maybe it is up to each credit union to quote a price but I thought they all sold the same Starplan travel insurance policy.
We always get ours from find their rates very good and the level of cover on the different policies are set out very clearly.

Had a smallish claim on a ski accident 2 years ago and it was dealt with quickly with no resulting penalty.

Thanks all for replies, the cheapest quote was getcover and also justcover, about 1/3rd better than vhi, but was not sure whether value-for-money wise it would be better to go with vhi (in case of actually having to claim!). Still undecided but thanks for feedback.:)
Don't shop for insurance on price alone - you need to also read the terms & conditions of the policy booklet to see what sort of cover is offered for the price. Policies differ (sometimes radically) in terms of what covere is offered. You need to choose a policy that matches your specific personal needs.
Thanks for all advice.
Much appreciated.

For info: We have no 'extras' to add on like long stay/ski/golf/hazardous sport (although feeding the infant could sometimes qualify under that). Just want to be covered for worldwide multitrip. Have heard anecdotally that vhi are good when it comes to making claims, so this is swaying me.
I wonder about the policy Rainyday received from the credit union for €75. I asked my credit union and they were almost double that price. Maybe it is up to each credit union to quote a price but I thought they all sold the same Starplan travel insurance policy.

Some more details on the CU policy available from St Agnes CU, which is not my CU as it happens, but is the same offer as my CU from the same underwriters (ARB) and same insurer (Members/CUNA).
I would say the credit union quote of €75 for multitrip is the cheapest around. Practically all credit unions, including my own, sell Starplan travel insurance underwritten by AIG for €142, hardly competitive. A handfull of credit unions have the €75 policy. Having said that the cover on the €75 policy (and indeed the €142 policy) is not as good as or, both around €110. As said already one should study the terms and conditions carefully to meet specific needs.
My son has getcover (€110) because he found it had the best cover in his opinion. Justcover (€108) came in second, benefits a little less than getcover. Ace (€79.50), which is mentioned on this thread is very similar to the credit union policy (€75). The following is a sample example of getcover v credit union - Cancellation/curtailment - getcover=€7,000, Credit Union=€3,800. Medical expenses - getcover=€10m, Credit union=€6.35m. Personal accident - getcover=€40,000 Credit Union=€25,000. Personal liability - getcover=€3.25m, Credit Union=€1.27m. Personal belongings - getcover=€2,500, Credit Union=€1,900. These are probably the main points. I have no affiliation to either insurer, nor am I advising anybody what company to go with. Have no experience how easy/difficult to settle a claim with any company, which is another very important factor. Also always read the terms and conditions, small print, cover for winter sports, age restrictions, excess etc. As I have already stated I am with VHI because I feel happiest as a VHI member with their travel cover.
Travel insurance discussed on Se and Seoige this afternoon on RTE. A travel expert advised customers to shop around and mentioned '' Ryanair travel insurance may look good offering €3.5m cover for medical expenses but one can get almost treble that cover, €10m, with Getcover.''
As I and others keep saying - never shop around on price alone when it comes to insurance. Always check the cover/terms & conditions.
Just an update, went with vhi despite it costing more (95euro) for less cover. For those interested, Getcover was the best on paper for 69euros and better cover. Justcover was not far off the 70euros mark either. I chose vhi for comfort factor, rightly or wrongly, as anecdotally anyone with actual feedback of claiming all said vhi were excellent and the only feedback I could get on getcover (which is with axa) was from internet search and was negative. Thanks all for your feedback, especially oldtimer who really helped me decide.
Let's hope we never find out how they treat claimants!!