County council fee - receipt error


Registered User
I sent in my cheque for development fees to the county council.
I just happened to use company letterhead paper - now they have issued a receipt to the company for payment of fees!
I rang up and told her i specifically mentioned the file number it was to be applied & even attached their previous correspondence seeking payment.
The lady just said they applied it in the name of company because of the letterhead & that a new receipt could not be printed.
We had a heated exchange but end result is she is not changing the receipt! what can i do here? (just to add - the payment was by personal cheque - not anything to do with the company)
perhaps clue us in as to why its an issue?? is it something to do with messing with your company accounts?
perhaps clue us in as to why its an issue?? is it something to do with messing with your company accounts?
oh what a cynic you really are!! albsolutely nothing to do with company - receipt issued in company name bacause i had attached my chq to companny letterhead.
I want a receipt so I can use it to drawdown mortgage - can`t do this if they have comany name on receipt.
why not? Im involved in signing off stage payments and there is no requirement for the client to produce receipts in order to draw down payment.

oh and sorry, i wasnt being cynical, i was genuinely confused.
and besides the mortgage part - I do not want there to be any doubt but that it was me who paid the the fees. The least they should be able to do is provide a receipt in my name seeing as I paid all the thousands in the first place.
yes, you have a point... but actual effect theres no issue with an incorrect name on a receipt. Once you have proof its paid then thats all you need.

Every receipt will be attached to a file, so all they can do now is print a copy receipt and not a new altered one.
that is all I was asking for - some proof that I & not the company had paid the cheque. she just wouldn`t listen to my argument.
Yeah dont worry; I suspect you need the receipt to give to your solicitor, just to add to your title. They just keep this on file, and doe not need it for the mortgage draw down.

Now if you wanted, you could ring the council/or go into them, and tell them you lost the receipts, and ask them to re-issue