County Council dragging heels with House Purchase


Registered User

I accepted an offer on a house from Donegal County council and went sale agreed at end of June 2019. This was a house I had previously rented out. Folio and required documentation such as NPPR clearance and Property Charge have all been sent to my solicitor.

From speaking to my solicitor’s office this morning, it transpires that they have had zero correspondence with the purchaser (Donegal Co Co) to date, despite follow up with letters.

Is this normal? I’ve made leeway to allow for annual leave etc during summer months, but would have expected to have had some move forward 2 months later.

I am new to this process, however am now becoming very concerned. Every month of delay is another month of mortgage payments on an empty property and another month I am stuck wanting to apply for a mortgage on a home of my own but being unable to do so until I am rid of this property.

Has anyone any experience or advice?
I take it they have no deposit paid or contract signed? If so they can walk away I think.
Correct in both respects @noproblem and this is my biggest source of anxiety right now. If they walk away it leaves me back to square 1 having to start the selling process all over again.
Who did the deal with the council and with who? If it was you, follow it up, if an estate agent get a name and follow that. Your answer is there.
@noproblem, thanks for your input. I have spoken to my solicitor again this evening. It seems that the issue is with the solicitor acting for the council as it is they who have not responded to letters, emails and phone calls from my solicitor.

Being green to the protocol in these matters, are you suggesting I go directly to the person responsible for buying in the council, bypassing the solicitors? I used an estate agent, so could call him and get a contact name I’m sure. I just don’t want to commit some sort of faux pas. But if this is a normal approach, I’d happily do so to get some answers and hopefully progression.
I'd certainly go back to the Estate Agent and have him follow up where it's at, or not. Nothing else you can do i'm afraid.
Hi life begins, I also was sale agreed with a council who were also buying my house, they had my contracts and all, but in early June the council pulled out due to funds being allocated to building rather than buying. I don’t mean to alarm you, but check with them asap
Hi @Kilconleagirl, thanks for your input. My EA has assured me that the CoCo are intent on purchasing the house, but frankly, until I have the funds in my account I’m not counting my chickens just yet.

It’s terrible that you had such a poor experience with your council. Do you mind me asking, how long you were sale agreed with them before they pulled the pin? I hope you managed to sell elsewhere for a similar or better price.