council services fees for planning permission


Registered User
Hi, just wondering does anyone have any thoughts/advise on this. We got our planning permission from the council yesterday and while this was great the services fee they have asked for is €14,800.

My problem is that on top of this we will have our own septic tank which obviously we will be paying for, we also have to pay to get connected to the water and the ESB. So what "services" exactly are costing almost €15,000? I think this is totally excessive and wondered if anyone has tackled their council about this? I know they say its related to the size of your house and ours is 2,800 sq foot still this fee is surely very high
Hi Judy,

If you go to page 5 on this discussion and the forum titeled self buid the costs you will find Info on this matter on the last page. Sorry i dont know how to provide a link but this should help!
thanks for the replies, yeah had seen this one alright but was wondering if anyone had actually got on to the council yet about their fees
Take a look at your councils website. Here is the waterford one.
In my opinion (please correct or disagree if i'm wrong)
Having your own septic I'm sure should exclude the waste water aspect, the surface water, surely isn't appliciable to you either. I'm going to sink a well to get rid of the water supply so in theory ours should be about 3.5k for a house a little smaller than yours.
Can anyone confirm?

A Residential Developments
Service - Roads
Rate per m²
€5.62 < 150m²
€11.24 thereafter

Service - Water Supply
Rate per m²
Service - Waste Water
Rate per m²
€16.87 (where applicable)
Service - Surface Water (where applicable)
Rate per m²
€11.24 (where applicable) Service - Community
Rate per m²
Totally depends on the coco. Mine is costing €1620 from Westmeath coco. Hate paying it, but looking at some of these threads I realise i'm getting away pretty lightly!!
Hi Hanorac,

I am in the middle of my planning in Waterford, just wondering what part of the website you got these rates from and what Quantities do they refer to ie community services what does that refer to?
I believe community services means you can't get out of paying this one.
I'd say this one and the roads are the ones you can't work around, what do you think?

Anyway they are on

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And by roads they mean the square meterage of the road frontage you have on the site? ie 102m x 4m = 408sqm 150sqm @ €5.62 = €843
258sqm @ €11.24 = €2899.90
408sqm = €3,742.90

Is this right or have i it completely wrong?
seems very unfair, in an almost identical situation I've spoken
with An Bord Pleanalla and the financial contribution is a
condition they've advised me that there is no point in
appealing as I'd get no where.
By house sixe? So i ambuilding a 3017 Sqft dormer what would be the method of calculating that, i will be boring my own well and will have a biocycle unit!
hi, i found the breakdown in the kildare county council site, seems fairly steep to me but maybe its like that in most counties.

[broken link removed]

not sure what anyone else thinks of these figures
tell me about it but as some of the other posters say you just have to pay them complete rip off if you ask me! Maybe i should get Eddie Hobbs on the case!
You will have to get some one on the case i think that is some kick in the teeth! €15K down the drain!!!
That is absolutely mad! I cant believe its €18000 for a house over 2000ft2. I have to pay 1600 and its breaking my heart to pay it, guess i should count myself v.lucky and I should get the feckin thing up before the westmeath coco decides it isnt charging me enough and decides to put the squeeze on punters in this neck of the woods!!