Council Development Contribution


Registered User
We built a detached house on a country road 2 years ago and paid over 7000 euro in development charges even though we have our own well, own sewerage system etc. The road we live on has an L number so is classed as a local road, but is in a state of serious disrepair with huge potholes etc, almost impassable in parts. We have been on to the council to get it repaired but they are saying it is classed as a "private" road and so the only way it can be resurfaced is if the residents get together and apply under a "local area" scheme in which the residents club together and meet 25% of the cost! There are about 15 houses on the lane but apparently some are refusing to have any part in this and are refusing to contribute. Does anyone know if what we have paid already in council development charges can be offset against our contribution to such a scheme?
Thanks, Gemma.