Could the Euro collapse?

The Euro requires political integration to succeed or it will go the way as the previous currency and monetary unions.

The question is - Is there the will in the people and individual governments of the EU to pass their tax raising and spending powers to Brussels in order to make the Euro succeed long term?
Personally, I doubt it.

I think a lot of posters here merely look at the noble reasons for the Euro as good enough reason to sustain its existence. Yes the EU has been a huge success in preventing wars between its member states and in creating the libertarian free zone for the movement of people, goods, services and capital.

Excellent policies. A collection of individual countries working together for the common good whilst maintaining their decision making powers on how to run their economies based upon the individual circumstances of each member of the EU.

Unfortunately for a currency union to succeed it comes down to hard rational economic facts. The moral or noble reason for its existence are overriden by the cold reasoning that every member must act in the same manner, have the same economic conditions, raise taxes together, spend together. In essence take risk and reward together.

The current Euro set up cannot accomodate this. For the Euro to succeed - Full political and economic integration will be required as the dollar experiences under the 'United' States of America.

A federalist state is required for the Euro to succeed over the longer term.

Too many posters here say the Euro will succeed simply based upon a hunch that things will be ok. Unfortunately without the integrated policies in place, stating that the Euro will survive simply because it brings the states together and because the leaders will not let it fail is not good enough to keep it in existence.

What economic evidence is there to say the Euro can survive in its current form with each member state taking a seperate course on running their economies?

I am pro European, but appreciate that market forces eventually always win out against fundamentally weak systems.

Will the Euro members and their citizens be willing to create a fundamentally strong 'federalist' state to ensure that the market forces act in favour of the Euro?

The market always wins out in the end. Fundamentals always win out eventually.
The Euro dipped below $0.90 and peaked above $1.50.

Over the course of it's life it's average value has been just under $1.20.

Right now it's just under $1.20.

In other words, no need to panic.

In the grand scheme of things exchange rates between the dollar, euro and pound are becoming irrelevant.

Each central bank is and will, try and devalue their currency to remain competitive. It is a race to the bottom.

Likewise, each central bank must print and print to reduce the debt burden at the sake of higher future inflation.

It is becomng irrelevant to still compare one of the West's flawed currencies against another to measure either value or strength.

They are all falling v precious metals and the cost of goods and basic staples.

You need to compare a currency against a fixed currency of limited supply that cannot be created at will, of which there is really only one - gold.

It is not a true measure of relative strength to measure a flawed asset v another flawed asset. A fixed datum is required.

The next decade will be one of rising costs, currency depreciation or debasement.

Gold, silver, platinum, palladium, or real 'Asian' currencies will be the marker to compare the euro, dollar or pound against in the future.

Comparing flawed currencies against each other this coming decade will only produce a relative (not absolute) comparison.
ringledman - you forget one important fact.

For most of history, there has been a single currency worldwide without political union. Precious metals like gold,silver etc. were, in effect, a currency from the stone age to the middle ages. The phenomena of individual countries having their own independent monetary systems controlled by politicians is a short lived recent fad. The future is one single world currency. The Euro is a step in this direction.

I think you are ignoring some important facts from history. While gold was used for coinage and currency backing, governments and monarchies have been manipulating their currencies for centuries. It started with clipping or melting down of gold coins, and continued with the gradual abandonment of the gold standard in the 20th century.

In addition to that, the first fiat currencies appeared in 11th century, and have repeatedly failed throughout history. So it is completely wrong to claim that it has been a short lived recent fad. What has always led to their failure is manipulation by the powers that be, through monetary inflation, the most deceiptful form of theft.

I would love to see a single world currency, but not one controlled by any central bank or government. Weights of gold are perfectly adequate, there is absolutely no need to invent new currencies. All fiat currencies are a step in the wrong direction.

You can't compare gold/silver to the euro! Don't even try!

One is of limited supply, hard to extract and representative of all the productive effort required in extracting it into this world.

The other is representative of a non-productive government entity that can manipulate its supply with the ease of pushing the printing press button.

One has sound fundamentals supporting it, the other have crooked fundamentals supporting it.

The world will over the next 10-30 years create a new global currency to replace the fundamentally flawed dollar but we certainly won't replace one flawed currency with another!

The only possible replacement global currencies are gold/silver or the Chinese Yuan.

Currencies with real 'productive' and 'saving' fundamentals behind them. Not currencies based upon flawed fundamentals of-

- bloated government spending
- debt
- unafunded public liabilities
- 'consumption based economies'
- Non political & economic unity

Get with the huge changes that are happening in the world -

- Decline of Fiat Currencies
- Government Induced Spending is a scam
- Transfer of Wealth East