Could school transport be more unsafe?

Henny Penny

Registered User
I will not allow my children to take the school bus to school, even though it passes my door.
Every morning I see the bus full of children with many of them standing in the aisle and at least two or three chatting to the driver right at the front of the bus. The bus is run by a private company contracted by the dept. of Education under the school transport scheme. There are no seatbelts and obviously nobody ensures that all children are seated while the bus is moving.
That's not bad enough, but this morning to my horror I saw a taxi dropping children off to school ... which is common practice for out lying areas that would not have sufficient to warrant a bus ... there were five children in the taxi ... three in the back and two in the front ... one sitting on the lap of an older child ... none of them belted in.
It makes me so mad ... why don't parents see anything wrong with this ... why don't they demand proper transport for their children ... why do they put up with this? It will be too late when a child dies as a result of this.
You really are wasting your eneergy being upset by this.
My daughter is one of the only children who uses a car seat when being collected at her school, she is 4.

Every week a local team wins some cup or other and kids are carried sitting out of the windows of the cars while the driver beebs the horn and they all wave.

All are witnessed by gardai but nothing is ever done about it.

Local school bus is 81 C belching out fumes and barely able to struggle up hills, no seat belts, they are lucky to have seats.

I am done getting upset over it, commenting on it, or even trying to get people to see the dangers.

You either see it as a hazard or you don't.

Save your energy.