Could Broadband be causing TV Interference?


Registered User
I've recently installed Wireless Broadband (DigiWeb) and from very soon afterwards have been experiencing interference on my TV stations. Its not the TV and I'm wondering if anyone has had experience of Broadband causing disturbances with TV Stations? Is it likely to be the Broadband?

All comments appreciated!

Very unlikely unless you are using 2.4GHz video senders - an issue which is covered in detail in a few other threads.
No, don't think I am! Didn't think it should but was funny that it just started after I'd got Broadband installed... Anyone else have this problem?
If you switch the DigiWeb gear off does the interference go away? If not then the DigiWeb gear is not the cause.
No, when DigiWeb Modem etc. is switched off the interference is still there. The little DigiWeb ariel thing on the roof wouldn't cause it then would it?

Thanks for that!

Can you not plug out the external DigiWeb antenna? Is there a power supply or does it get power over ethernet in which case disconnecting the ethernet cable or just powering down the device to which it normally attaches should switch it off. If in doubt double check with DigiWeb before messing with their stuff because I'm not sure what the setup is.

Do you have cable TV? Any possibility that when DigiWeb installed their gear they interfered with the cable connection?
There is a power supply, when it is disconnected the Interference is still there. I don't have cable TV, I have an ariel which is located in the Attic, it would be close enough to the DigiWeb antenna...
Beginning to sound like they disturbed the tv antenna when installing the DigiWeb receiver??
Or maybe the DigiWeb antenna itself (not the fact that it's powered up etc.) is causing interference - e.g. it's in the way of the TV signal reception or is causing ghosting/reflection etc.?
Are you on a community tv scheme, or something ? Sometimes installers of these systems use a wideband amplifier, that can amplify signals outside of the tv band, and this can cause interference. The problem is fixed my putting in a decent amplifier that has a filter in it. T

Thank you all for your replies/suggestions.
Turns out the Booster was gone on the Ariel and it had nothing to do with the Broadband antenna - just bad timing!