Costs per sqm


Registered User

I am currently budgeting just over €1000 per sqm for our extension (which is straight forward enough).
My question is - is the total area based on internal floor area or external 40sqm gross or 32sqm net?

Many thanks,

bren, generally internal floor area. do note that msq costs should only be considered a rough guide and a detailed dwg and spec is the best way of approaching even a smallish extension. my advise would be expect a price of circa 32k but have a contingency of another 10k for the unknown unknowns - for instance: steel supporting issues, ground or existing pipework issues, planning contributions, existing house alterations while the builders are in..
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Cheers Low - I have actually engaged an Architect - got planning and employed Engineer re; steel and we're actually awaiting replies to tender at this stage.

I just really wanted to clarify that point as it just occurred to me the other day while looking at the tender doc.
Have budgeted for 40k to be safe with another contingency on top of that.

Thanks for your reply (great site this)!