Costs of hiring Interior Designer


Registered User
Hi, trying to do a bit of market research for family member who is starting to do some freelance Interior Design work. Need to know what is being charged for various design packages, e.g. consultation only re colours ideas etc, full room plans or complete package of decoration and purchasing of everything. So if any one out there has hired an Interior Designer in the recent past I would appreciate info as to how much they charged and for what. I know lots of people feel your house should be your own design but some people are no good at picking colours etc and want the help and are willing to pay for it. I could ring a few designers and ask but I would prefer to get the info this way if possible. Thanks

I priced someone from the program on RTE - Showhouse I think - she was 200 quid for 2 hours consultation and 2 hours to produce a scrap book - she would bring loads of samples with her etc.

Interesting thing is though - she FORGOT to turn up and then apologised as something urgent came up and then reset the appointment TWICE and both times she cancelled so I gave up!!


I would not have thought there was much demand for interior designers anymore. Not with all the programs on TV in the last few years and all the magazines around.
would not have thought there was much demand for interior designers anymore. Not with all the programs on TV in the last few years and all the magazines around.

Sister in law is an interior designer and is inundated with appointments, she has to turn down consultations she is so busy.

SHE does'nt do private home consultations, she does complete refurbs and new development showhouses. her fee is approx 10% of the total spend.
Taste is a personal thing. Some of the ideas and designs done by the interior designers on tv leave a lot to be desired.
Of course taste is a personal thing, however there are people who want help in putting a certain style together be it their own or something they have seen elsewhere.

So I am just to trying to find out approx costs from those who did employ the services of an interior designer for whatever reason.
Her fee is approx 10% of the total spend.

Why is her fee a % of anything?? Why don't they charge a flat fee?? If it's a percentage then surely that only encourages her to spend more??

Why does it matter how much you spend?? You do the job and I pay you a flat fee. End of story.

This percentage fee racket wrecks my head.

Solicitors charge 1% of cost of house??? Why??? It's takes the same amount of work regardlesss of the price of the house.
Same with estate agents etc.

Why don't people tell them to clear off and use fixed fee professions. When enough do it and business runs dry then we might see proper fixed charging everywhere instead of this rip off culture that is everywhere you look.

Sorry for going off topic.
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Might help with ideas of prices etc.
No afiliation.

Thanks for all replies with information on pricing.

Banham - thanks, very useful site