costs + fine to be paid following DPP case


Registered User
Good morning,
A man has been convicted of assaulting me following a court case with DPP.
He was ordered to pay my expenses + a fine within i believe 3 months.
Could you please let me know how this works regarding the payment ?
In what form or shape will i receive the money ?

Thank you
I'm not sure there is a set way. Someone I know was involved in a similar situation. The money was paid 6 weeks after the court case conclued, via their solicitor, to the courts office but it sat on someone's desk for 6 more months. It was only when the victim bumped into the investigating Garda and mentioned that the money had not yet been received that the oversight was noticed.

Moral of the story, keep in touch with the Gardai involved and your own solicitor, if you have one.
Generally this is paid from the Gardaí via the local supers office. I got a cheque in compensation for criminal damage a few years back, got the money within a few weeks of the court.
if he fails to pay the fine and costs within 3 months,a warrant will issue to the gardai to arrest him.he can only get out by paying the warrant. however if he is lodged then he can be released without paying anything