Cost of solicitor's fees after purchase has fallen through.


Registered User
Apologies if this is a stupid question, but I can't seem to find any info on it - if you are buying a house, and engage a solicitor, but the purchase falls through for some reason (problems with house, mortgage etc.) - to what extent are you (the buyer) still liable for solicitor's fees?
Solicitors fees

Hi there

Is it referred to in the letter from your solicitor outlining their fees?

Our fee agreement with our solicitor says: Please note that if the transaction does not proceed for any reason, fees will be charged on the basis of the time spent on the file. Please note that notwithstanding the amount of administrative time spent in opening a file and the initial work done on a file it is likely that the fee in this event should not exceed €500.00 plus outlays
The deal I had with mine (hypothetically) was that if there was no purchase, there would have been no fee. The understanding was that he'd get us next time.
Would think that it depends on that solicitor, but I would ask and get the fee/arrangement in writing in the event the sale falls through