Cost of removing old septic tank to prepare for land sale


Registered User

We have quite a lot of garden and other unused land (some of which contains our septic tank) and we are thinking of selling off some land - about 1/3 acre is my rough calculation. Quite a bit of outlay involved before land would be suitable for development - mainly:

removal of about 30 trees (each about 10M high)
removal of existing septic tank
installation of new 'Bio' septic tank

Will obviously check for likelihood of OPP before we do anything but can anyone give a rough estimate of the cost of the above and also if 1/3 acre would be attractive enough (size wise) to potential buyers?

There is an extensive thread if you do a search about the cost of the various waste treatment systems.

You almost certainly must apply for planning permission for your new septic tank and without doubt you must apply for permission if you want to install it in a new location. Your looking at spending 5 or 6 k for that at least with planning, testing, purchase, installation.

1/3 of an acre would not be enough to build on (if your were thinking of selling it as a site) in a rural area but may get permission in an urban setting where connnection to public sewer was available.

If your not thinking of it being used as a building site there is not much use for a 1/3 acre or nothing I can think anyone would pay very much for.
You will also need permission (from Coillte ?) to remove mature trees.

These are just lleylandi (sp?) which I'm sure isn't a problem?

Thanks for replies.

Yes, we are hoping to sell as a site - what does anyone think would be a minimum area requirement for potential buyers - 1/2 acre?

We might be able to provide this kind of area - or close to it.

Based on costs of previous tree pruning/removal, I'm guessing about 5K for that work (Inc. 'stump grinding') so together with davidoco's figures, 15K total might be adequate.

But it's only worthwhile of course if approx. 1/2 an acre is attractive enough - we would certainly be willing to sell at below market value for a quick sale.
OK, so certainly less than 100 ft from a dwelling in this case.

Thanks all - I guess the easiest thing might be to engage the services of an engineer or planning pro. to see where we stand?