Cost of importing PSP from HK - Caveat emptor!


Registered User
Bought PSP from them in Hong Kong, got stung for VAT - Total cost eur 383, DID electrical Eur 299 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Caveat Emptor I guess

Anyone know where I can get cheap games !! - In the EU thanks !!
Re: Bad Deal - Lik Sang

Cdwow or Ebay mate... If its Version 1.5 or 2.0 then you can downgrade and play games from the memory card.
Re: Bad Deal - Lik Sang

Thanks Breener, how in the name of S**Y can i find out if i have a 1.5 or 2.0 version ? !!!!
Re: Bad Deal - Lik Sang

Go To Settings, System Settings, System Information.... The It will say System Software...Version ????
Re: Bad Deal - Lik Sang

Hi Breener,

It's Version 2.5 !!!! ??!!!!!

How do you mean Downgrade and play games from the memory stick ?

Also, you might tell me how I can put music and pictures on ?

Thanks for help
Re: Bad Deal - Lik Sang

Swoon0 said:
Bad Deal - Lik Sang - got stung for VAT...!!
Isn't it a bit unfair to accuse the company of giving you a raw deal simply because you were 'stung' for (legitimate) Irish taxes?
Re: Bad Deal - Lik Sang

Downgrading is being able to fool the System into Playing Files (that are Actuall Games) instead of having the Discs (UMD's for E50 etc..). Unfortunate in your case as all PSP's over 2.00 CANNOT be downgraded to do this.

On the Pics, Mp3s and Movies... Just use a USB Cable from your PSP to your Computer and it will load up the Contents of the Memory Card in the PSP automatically. All you do then is copy and paste ur files into folders (Named: Pictures, Music and Movies). Then just go to the PSP and Click on the Option required (Pictures, Music and Movies).
For Movies go to this website and D/l software..

Get the USB cable in PCWORLD, Game or Gamestop etc..
Re: Bad Deal - Lik Sang

DrMoriarty -

I wasn't actually accusing them of a raw deal because I got stung, rather that I paid 383 euro to Lik sang and could have got it here for 299 - Hence the comment "Caveat Emptor! - It means "let the buyer beware" !! I thought my post was self explanatory, apologies if it came across as complicated.
Re: Bad Deal - Lik Sang

Breener -

Thanks a lot for info, pity about the version thing but sure hey ...

Thanks a lot for the advice on the music etc.
Re: Bad Deal - Lik Sang

Swoon0 said:
I thought my post was self explanatory, apologies if it came across as complicated.
No problem - thanks for clarifying. It's actually the thread title that's kinda misleading, so I've changed it. OK?