Cost of Dry Cleaning a Wedding Dress


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I have been quoted €85 by our 2 local dry cleaners to dry clean my wedding dress. Anyone any idea if this is a standard price ? Was shocked it was so expensive.

I recently paid 160 to get mine dry-cleaned and packaged in a storage box.
My wife paid Eur 100, and at that they said they couldn't guarantee that it would not be damaged.
As far as I recall, the cleaning was not great either !
Paid 30 pounds 8 years ago but 120 euro does seem excessive but then if it has sequins or lace might have to be extra careful. Took mine to the local cleaners who did a good job except for the very ends where black polish got on from shoes.
I paid €120 to have mine cleaned and boxed. The cleaner specialises in wedding dress cleaning, she unpicked any mirrored beads from the bodice as the cleaning process can remove the mirroring (I researched this myself) - therefore they lose their sparkle - and then re-stitched them all back on by hand after cleaning (some were a little lose when I brought it to her, they are now all well attached and unlikely to fall off!).

The packaging and box it was put into is brilliant - same is used for antique clothing in museums.

I dropped and collected the dress myself, however she also does a collection and delivery service - costs more of course, however I do know a friend who used this was waiting for a fair while before her dress was brought back to her afterwards.

PM me if you want the contact details.
Mrs P got hers dry cleaned in Kilcoole a few months ago for €60, and was delighted with the results.