Cost of changing from gas to open fireplace?


Registered User
hi all,

Approx what type of cost would there be in switching from a gas fire to an open fire? Is it a very messy job?

i paid 80e last week to get the gas disconected to the fireplace.i just pulled out the gas place after that
I had a gas fire blanked off, removed, brick chimney built (within fake chimney breast), steel flue installed (as the new chimney) through a dormer roof, hearth put in, decent cast iron wood burner bought and installed, for €4000.

Just before Easter I had a gas fire taken out. The cost was as follows:

Gas Co serviceman blanking off gas inlet: €25
Fire blocks and sheeting inserted at back and sides of the fireplace
These hadn't originally been put in as I had gas fire at beginning with metal sheets at back and sides.
New basket type grate with high back in black wrought iron
Black granite 1 inch base put on floor of fireplace
(gas fire was sitting on concrete base) €560
Bird's nest removal €25

Regards much more would it have cost if you wanted to change the fireplace (excluding the cost of next fireplace) ?

Sorry I don't understand the question. Changing the fireplace would surely mean purchasing a new fireplace?
Can you elaborate please.
My gas fire was inserted in the original fireplace opening and metal plates (painted black) were put on the back and two sides. It sat on the original concrete base which the builders left. The €560 included putting in the heat/fire resistant bricks to the back and sides, new base and grate. I don't know what the breakdown was between the two - only that I think the grate (basket type) was around €180-€200.
HOpe this answers you question in some way.