Cost of building block v wooden hosue.


Registered User
I hope this isn't too vague a question, but I was wondering what the cost difference would be between building a house in these 2 different types?

For example, if you were to build a 1350sq ft wooden house and a 1350sq ft block house, both finished to the same standard - would there be much difference in cost?
We havent started building yet but from initial conversations with builder (and from what i have read also), both methods would cost around the same to build. Timber frame can potentially be quicker, which may introduce savings due to interest being paid for less time, rental etc. but there are countless other factors which may hold up a build also. There are numerous threads on here arguing the pros and cons of each method. just do a search on 'timber frame vs block'. best of luck
As sman says, much the same.

However speed of construction is different. Also, If buying timberframe have the supplier stand the frame as the VAT rate changes from 21.5% to 13.5%. That and they should have a better idea of erecting the frame correctly.