Cost of a taxi from Cork CC to Kinsale?

You should be able to estimate it using the [broken link removed] and an estimate of the journey distance/time.
can always take bus
bus stn is 5 mins walk away
kinsale is about 18 miles away
So say about 29KM. That would be about €36 for the journey plus the fixed initial charge and other add-ons.
I would have thought maybe half that....
I got a tax last week from the west side of Ballincollig to Glanmire and it cost €35. Based on that I'd double the price to get to Kinsale but I'm only guessing. Maybe the best thing is to ring a taxi company and sk...
thanks for all the replies. Rang a crowd in Kinsale and they'll do it for €40 .In case anyone's interested they also do 8 seater minibuses for €70. Kinsale Cabs was the name of the company.