Cost effective ARFs and Trading Charges


New Member
Hi There,

I have a reasonable level of investor knowledge and am close to retirement.

I am stunned at some of the charges for creating/maintaining an ARF and the buy/sell spreads on the fund options once you are in there.

For example, on my eToro trading account, I am charged 0.32% (not a typo) on the buy / sell spreads for most ETFs whereas I see up to 5% on the buy/sell spreads on the fund options within ARFs which are essentially tracking index funds.

What I am looking for here is an ARF with minimal setup and annual charges and the ability to trade ETFs within the ARF with reasonable buy/sell spreads.

Does anyone know of such a thing or even something close to it?

Many thanks

Regards Joe
You need at least two, possibly three professional firms to set up a self-administered ARF as you describe.

  • An ARF QFM to set up the ARF structure, arrange valuations and calculate imputed distributions annually, pay out your income, operate PAYE on the income payments, issue annual statements etc.
  • A trading platform for the buying and selling of ETFs.
  • A financial broker to get the whole thing set up at the outset, unless you're comfortable dealing with the trustees of the existing pension scheme and know which ARF QFM you want to appoint etc.
Charges can vary depending on the fund size going into the ARF and whether or not you want any ongoing advice.

