corrib finance



hi people im just wondering i have applied for a loan from corrib finance who are based in galway, just wondering does anyone know anything about them, appreciate any help
Not much info on [broken link removed].

Are they regulated?

What interest rate have they quoted?

Is the loan secured on your home?

How did you hear about them?

Any reason why you can't use a bank or local credit union?
Would have said definate scam/windup only for the fact that it's a .ie Where did they get that site from? They must have gone back in time to 1990 and grabbed all the tatty HTML they could find.
Looks like they may be one of those unregulated lenders - lending their own money so don't have to be regulated and charge under 23% so not a moneylender......wouldn't advise it. No protection dealing with this sort.
if you think the UI is bad, check out the form - the submit 'button' is a gif without any way of submitting (not a html submit button, no href or js to do submit), and their div for the blue line graphic overlays for top field(s) (depending on IE or Firefox) of the form preventing them from being populated.