Correspondence Address on Mortgage post Divorce


Registered User
I wasn't 100% sure where to post this.

This is by way of background, ----So John and Mary are married for several years. They decide to separate and their bank allows them to buy a second property in joint names as an investment property for John to live in - the bank is fully aware that they are separating and that John is going to live there. Both names remain on family home mortgage and the additional 'rental'. All correspondence goes to the Family home re both mortgage accounts. Everything is amicable at this stage.

Fast forward a number of years and divorce proceedings take place. Mary remains in the family home and gets it into her own name with her own mortgage. John is given the second property but due to earnings and level of maintenance he is unable to get mortgage into his own name. - thus it remains in both names. He is also reluctant to as it is on a very good tracker and he is afraid to loose this.
The bank are made aware of the divorce proceedings and outcome. John has no objection of correspondence still going to family home as although his property is his, he is aware that Mary is still named on the mortgage.

His issue is he is not being copied on the correspondence and while they have noted his new address and proceedings they only sent statements etc if he requests same. Any statements etc still go to the original family home address.

In advance of interest rate rises he has contacted the bank once again and requested that they please send him any correspondence due. There is no guarantee Mary will forward it or even inform him. They say they cannot.

Has he any grounds for complaint or avenue to try to rectify this please if anyone knows?
Sorry to answer a question with a question, but did the bank explain why this wasn't possible?
I struggle to follow this scenario a bit.

AFAIK the bank will send correspondence to whatever address you tell them, but not to two addresses.
Yes it's as simple as above answer, the computer will only spit out one copy of standard correspondence and it will go to whatever address you tell them you want it to go to but to get a second copy each time is going to have to be requested each time.
Is John servicing all the mortgage? If so update the primary address to his. Let Mary look for the occasional updates at her pleasure. By the sounds of it all she wants is a clean credit record and as little contact with the past as possible.

For Mary there is a liability she's deriving no benefit from. It sounds like the best John can do is hope for out of sight out of mind.

Will John still be able too continue to service the mortgage in the event rates rise?
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