Correct payout on policy?



How does an individual check if the payout on an investment policy from a large financial institution was correct?
The normal way is to check the entry price and then the exit price. Deduct one from the other and you have your answer, but bear in mind thewre mikght be exit penalties and / or special circumstances applicable to your investment.

If you provide more details somebody on AAM might be able to assist further.
thanks mercman

had a long battle with the institution a couple of years ago when they paid out the incorrect amount on a different fund - after providing a lot of misinformation they eventually paid up

in relation to this fund they have provided me with details of the fund allocation, growth %, mgt charges for initial and premium units and contract fee. but once again i can prove their figures are incorrect

was wondering if it is normal/possible to go to an independent actuary or someone similiar or just go to the financial ombusman and hope for the best
Navac, are you able to work the PM facility on this site. If so I will send you a PM in a few.