Corpo Water People Wrecking Street


Registered User
On the plus side, the nice boys from Dublin Corporation are giving us a new water supply.

On the minus side, the street looks like a pack of drunken moles have been set loose. The pavements and street are lined with taracadam humps and dips. It looks terrible, and is a tad unsafe, to my eyes.

Who should I complain to? Do I have any right to expect the pavement to be in a certain condition? Or is that up to the Corpo? Can I expect them not to laugh me out of it if I call them? Or would a stiff letter to the local TD sort it out?
Thanks ClubMan.
I've tried phoning the guy in Water Services, but he's not returning my calls.
I suppose it's stiff letters all round, then...
When did the work begin and finish? If it's a water supply issue it's not uncommon to leave any works patched up while the system is tested, not much point in finishing off the road/path to a high standard if there is a possibility of issues under testing and that section has to come up.
DCC have a habit of outsourcing the ultimate repair of pavements/roads these days once the work is complete and some of the contractors leave things in a real mess. My mother had to get hers redone because it was so bad and it still looks terrible (patchwork of mismatched concreted over areas).
The work began several months ago, and is ongoing. And I am tryint to get in touch with them to confirm whether they're actually going to leave it in this state. Now, if only they would return my calls...
Write to the local TD. I wrote to three lately and had responses on a similar issue from ALL of them within 24 hours...Hmmm must be an election on the horizon...