Cork Tagging / Spraypainting

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The Words Of The Prophet Are Written On The Subway Wall. Or so the man said but it looks like there's a graffitti epidemic starting off in Cork. Tagging and Spraypainting is appearing in lots of places.

Reminds me of the 90's there was a huge problem back then.

The only way to stop it is to paint over it as soon as it's done. But this is rarely if ever done.

But if you see this thing as a problem and are concerned about the delay in addressing it then, even if it does not affect your own property, surely the civic minded and pragmatic approach would be to report it to the relevant authorities (e.g. the Local Authority)?
spotted it at the weekend - i'ed say the Gardai have heard about it from the local do-gooders but mention it to your local TD (wannabe) and watch for the outcome.
Do gooder I suppose I'm not...

I might spray 'We've got a Graffitti Problem in our City' on some of the more prominent walls around town.

Sign them all 'Clubman' and 'Purple'


Why not sign them ClubMan in purple?
nelly, why should someone who makes the authorities aware of a problem become the subject of derision?