Cork People

I have lived and worked in Cork, Waterford, Limerick, Mayo and Dublin (and am from Cork).

People in counties other than Dublin sometimes knock Dublin because they are concerned that Dublin people are looking down on them, but that's about it in my experience. Cork being second city (I'm not bringing Belfast and more complicated geopolitics in here!) generates a degree of bravado and confidence that is manifested as competition (or venom?) with others, especially in the first city. The other complaints I have heard about Dublin are infrastructure and news. "The midlands could be under a foot of snow, but it wouldn't make it on the news." etc.

Dublin people, in my varied experience of living, working and dating in the capital, have a very poor opinion of anybody outside the M50, and the phrase "down the country" is used frequently, and with a natural air of superiority. Personally, I don't mind a slagging about my background, but resent a set of assumptions being made about me regarding education, sophistication etc., which has been the case in Dublin only. Dubs are big fish in a small pond, and might be more hurt than is warranted when some of the smaller fishies bite back.

Mayo people are the friendliest people I have ever met, but they can't drive for nuts.

Imperator (father from County Cork, mother from Dublin City)
are you by any chance suggesting that the standard of driving in Cork stands up to close scrutiny?? or should we not go there. I have been all over Ireland and Cork dont do too bad on the friendly front either.

Don't get me wrong, it's a nice place and may well be nicer than Dublin. I have never lived there so I don't consider myself qualified to comment. It's just that in my experience Cork people have a preoccupation with knocking Dublin.

your point Purple ? you have never lived here and then you say that "we have the preoccupation with knocking dublin", however you started the thread giving out about cork people....
while we are at it, why don't we pick on kilkenny TOWN, for being a city when it's really a town/big village... wexford and tralee would be bigger
Did you hear about the Corkman with an inferiority complex?
He thought he was only as good as everyone else.
your point Purple ? you have never lived here and then you say that "we have the preoccupation with knocking dublin", however you started the thread giving out about cork people....
I just asked a question! Most of my in-laws are from Cork, I know loads of Cork people and I spend quite a bit of time there. I go there on my holidays and think west Cork is one of the nicest places in the world. I have nothing against Cork!! I just find that they have a thing about Dublin and Dublin people. There are loads of things wrong with Dublin and Cork may well be a much better place, I don’t know as I have never lived there. The reason I asked the question is I find that when I meet Cork people they tend to bring the conversation around to how much they dislike Dublin and how much better Cork is. It is always done in a light hearted way and it all stays very friendly but I don’t find that people from other parts of Ireland initiate the same sort of conversation nearly as often. So I don’t have a point, I have a question.

while we are at it, why don't we pick on kilkenny TOWN, for being a city when it's really a town/big village... wexford and tralee would be bigger
Fire away.
ok if cork people hate dublin so much why is there loads of them here with that annoying accent

if they hate dublin so much they should F**k OFF back to where they came from
ok if cork people hate dublin so much why is there loads of them here with that annoying accent

if they hate dublin so much they should F**k OFF back to where they came from

typical Dub jackeen.... revert to bad language and contempt for anyone outside of dublin...
what annoys me about dublin is when (if) they win a game of football or hurling they think they deserve to win the championship, as if it's their god given right
ok if cork people hate dublin so much why is there loads of them here with that annoying accent

if they hate dublin so much they should F**k OFF back to where they came from

Typical cocky Dublin attitude. Readers can subsitute "Cork" in the quote above for the county of their choice to undestand a lot of Dublin peoples attitudes to folks from "down the country".

You see, a lot of your country cousins are in Dublin for nothing more than a job. We dont want it that way but thats the way Ireland is. And I am sure Dublin people love Dublin on bank holiday weekends when they have the dirty place all to themselves, and the country cousins are at home in the clean fresh air of the "down the country" areas.

You see, take the "country cousins" outta Dublin and what are you left with? A dirty sprawling concrete mess with bad attitude.

I must admit I was taken aback by Bazermc's post. I don't agree with him and I'm a Dubliner who has never had a problem with anyone because of where they come from. It takes all sorts and they come from all walks of life and are found in city and country alike. However, I think the above post and some others are all part of the same 'stereotypical' type of thinking. I like Cork people. I find them friendly and courteous when I'm down there.
Interesting post...Lived in Australia/NZ for nine years and when people asked me where they were from I always said Ireland (I'm from Dublin)...Had a few colleagues from Cork working with me and when asked they always said Cork......
I agree with everything you have said.
Populations is not a criteria for city status

Cork has a population of about 120'000. The greater Cork area has 380'000 (2006 census). That's a town that thinks it's a city.
People from Galway or Waterford or Belfast or Limerick (or other large towns) don’t seem to have the same obsession.


Afraid you are a bit off the mark here. City status is not simply dependent on population, and if it was Dublin itself may not even qualify as a city when compared to other "real cities" around the world.

Most (in fact all I think) of Irelands "Cities" were granted city status by our "ruling monarch" of the time dating back to the 1500's. City status was at the time was more dependent on the area containing a diocesan cathedral.

Hence, Cork, Limerick, Waterford, Galway and Kilkenny are perfectly justified in calling themselves cities. To argue otherwise is more along the lines of begrudgery the OP was talking about.

P.S I realise the above is UK orientated, but is relevent to Ireland today also.
