Cork Hurling Crisis

The clubs have spoken....

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Cork clubs vent anger at County Board
By Brendan Larkin

A DRAMATIC call was made by John O’Brien, Servicing Officer of the Cork and Munster Vocational Schools Councils, for a root and branch analysis of the Cork County Board, at a meeting of all clubs at the Community Hall, Clonakilty last night.

Over 250 representatives (102 clubs, 52 juniors, 50 senior/intermediate) gathered to hear harsh criticism of the officers of the County Board and in particular secretary Frank Murphy, by a host of speakers who expressed their sheer frustration at the impasse involving the 2008 senior hurlers and their coach Gerald McCarthy.

Mr O’Brien said he understood the county secretary will be 65 years old this year and the clubs needed to know what his intentions were regarding the job.

"We also need to know what Mr Murphy’s contract is and I will be asking that at Tuesday night’s meeting at the Rochestown Park Hotel.

"We have been beating around the bush long enough on this issue and getting nowhere. It’s time for courageous decisions to be taken; hard questions need to be asked.

"The Director General Padraic Duffy and President elect Christy Cooney referred to a root and branch analysis needing to be done and I would certainly endorse that."

Clonakilty official John McCarthy said there was a huge communication gap between the County Board and the club.

"There appears to be only a one way track. It’s a shocking way to be treating people who are working extremely hard on the ground promoting the games."

Referring to the recent address of a county board meeting by Gerald McCarthy the Clon delegate said asking the delegates to vote by a show of hands was not the way to conduct business.

"It’s time for the clubs of this county to take back control of our association. I would applaud the players who said they would accept whatever decision the clubs made and would disband.

"If Gerald McCarthy decided to take a similar stand this matter would be over by now. We need new delegates with fresh ideas to represent us at the county board.

"I’m not including the Clonakilty delegate in that but the majority of the present delegates do not reflect the views of their clubs at county board meetings."

‘We reneged on responsibilities and we need to address that’

The Randal Óg delegate said it was time to call a spade a spade. "I cannot understand how a group of people could sit around a table and pick Gerald McCarthy as manager of the senior hurling team know full well that he was not wanted by the players.

"Gerald McCarthy was given two years as coach and he failed miserably. If that happened in my club the manager would be kicked out the door."

The Blarney delegate said it was not as hard as people thing to change the county board. "We have reneged on our responsibilities over the years and we need to address that now, but it can only be done through the structures of the association."

The St Mary’s delegate called on every senior and intermediate club present to force this issue onto the floor at next Tuesday night’s meeting, and put the wishes of their clubs forward.

"I would also call on all divisional officers to hold a meeting and instruct their delegates to vote according to the wishes of the clubs."

The Banteer delegate called for a withdrawal of all clubs from playing activity from the first of April saying that it was one way to get the players back playing.

"It would be interesting to see what the reaction of the board would be if we took that kind of action.

"The county chairman is the man to solve this impasse and he should do what he was elected to do. Gerald McCarthy is being used as a pawn in this struggle."

At the conclusion of the meeting which lasted almost two hours, it was unanimously agreed that the host club would send the following motion to the County Board: "We the Clonakilty GAA Club call on the Cork County board to call a special convention to deal with the present impasse."

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Does anyone else see the parallels between how communism died in Eastern Europe and the way things are going for the Cork County Board over the last few days?

Frank Ceausescu has a certain ring to it, methinks!
I cant believe this rubbish was the first topic on Sunday Sport last night on RTE 2. There was full round of NFL games and this crap was given first preference. I'm sure the gardaí that were policing their march could have been deployed elsewhere in Cork.

There was no need to have any Gardai at the march because the march organisers provided stewards. The Gardai were involved because it was felt that people may have been refused entry to Pairc Ui Chaoimh. However, the majority of the protesters dispersed after the march because they didn’t want to give money to the CCB.

All marches are deemed unnecessary by those who don’t agree with the marchers motives. However, in a true democracy marches are allowed as long as they are peaceful. If protest wasn’t allowed then the status quo would never change. Just what the CCB board wants as it happens.

Des Bishop gave the marchers a good send off with a rousing speech and John Allen (former manager) was warmly greeted by the marchers as he marched with them.
Yes but when it takes precedence over the actual games that the rest of the country want to see I take issue with the marches. March all ye want, march from Skib to Balbriggan if ye want but I dont want to have to wait for the march to be reported on before the Galway/Tyrone highlights.

*BTW, before any smart A$$ comes in with "Why, were you not at the game....?", I was at the Tyrone/Galway game but wanted to see the highlights anyway.

I take your point Flanders' but I think your issue is with RTE rather than the actual marchers. If RTE decide to show the march then that is an issue for them rather than the actual marchers????
Flanders', you have a fair point but I agree with The Banker. It is an RTÉ issue. And anyway, the march was almost as good as most of what was on the programme last night.

I have an idea of how you're feeling when I think of all the crap the rest of us will have to put up with later in the year when Dublin are knocked out of the Football Championship again and life as we know it will come to an end for another year!

LOL if that was supposed to be a dig at me it backfired badly as you should have gleaned from my last post that I am from either Galway or Tyrone, the former being the case! My current AAM location is temporary only to make my fortune on the east coast

I take your point Flanders' but I think your issue is with RTE rather than the actual marchers. If RTE decide to show the march then that is an issue for them rather than the actual marchers????

Yes I agree its an RTE issue and I will actually email them as well to complain but as regards the football quality vs the marching in Cork, I would prefer to watch any game that the usual "Another vote of no confidence in blah blah".
If we assume McCarthy will be gone over the next couple of weeks, 2 questions remain
Who will replace him?
What will the reaction of the 08 panel be when the next manager drops one of them for valid hurling/management reasons?

Everybody out, again??????

Interesting post, Mpsox. I haven't an answer to any of the above. Maybe Roy might be interested in taking over from Gerald!

On a serious note, the whole thing has been a sad affair. I know Gerald (not very well) and I've had trophy dealings with him and he's a very nice, decent man, He's been the meat in this sandwich from day one. The root of the problem for years has been the Sec. of the County Board. He gets well deserved praise for many things over the years and has played a leading role in making the CCB one of hte richest, if not the richest, in the country.

But he has ruled Cork GAA with an iron fist. It appears he has been able to make decisions on his own that seem to totally defy logic. Remember the day he refused to allow Cork out to play extra time against Dublin in the National League Final? The Cork players were heading for the train when Barney Rock took the ball from the throw in and scored a winning goal into an empty net! And he kept his job! :mad: Would you or I have been kept on if we had done something similar in our line of work??????????

The story around Cork for years has been that he wrote his own contract when he took up the job and that there's a clause stating that he cannot be fired or removed.

Many friends of mine have played minor and senior football and hurling for Cork and every single one of them regard him as a dictator and the root cause of most of the unrest in the Cork camp down through the years.

As I stated in a previous post, like Mugabe and Zimbabwe, there won't be any long term peace in Cork GAA till Frank Murphy has left the stage.
In fairness I think most people involved have what they perceive to be the best interests of the GAA in Cork at heart. I've seen Donal Og give up his time for nothing to do medal presentations and travel up to the North to give clinics. Ger Mc was a great hurler and captain and genuinely thought he was doing the right thing

As for Frank, he was a great man to have in your corner, think back to Semplegate for example when he was the guy battling to get those suspensions lifted. I just think his cuteness has backfired on him and I dread to think what it would cost to pay him off.
Best of luck in the Leinster Championship. We might bump into ye at some stage and it's looking more and more like we might be able to put up a reasonable fight (Cork humility again) if we do.


We are just going to put all 15 jerseys on Joe Canning and send him out with 15 hurls, our best starting 15!!
Reports coming in that Ger Mc has resigned.

Lets hope this resignation doesn't deflect fron the Cork County Board. Those guys on the top table have to go also IMO.
He's gone alright. He said in his statement that he was concerned for his safety and the safely of his family, after he received a death threat.
Yeah, Gerald has definitely gone. The edited version of his statement is below.

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Reports coming in that Ger Mc has resigned.

Lets hope this resignation doesn't deflect fron the Cork County Board. Those guys on the top table have to go also IMO.

Agreed Banker. But should we be calling them the Cork County Politburo?