Cork County Council serviced sites


Registered User
does anyone here know where these are - thinking of applying for one.

i think you can actually call the council and they will tell you.
15 sites sold by us about 9 years ago and the shenanigans to get them were incredible.. 5 were for sale at a fixed price on the open market,5 for people who were on the housing list (i know 2 families who moved in with their grandparents and claimed they were sans house) and 5 for people who gave up their council houses back to the council .. of the 15 i know of 3 personally that had pull and 1 with a politican involved( an uncle of the person who got the site) and one of the sites went to a guy working in the council.. who may i add then contravened the planning stipulations by putting up a fence around his house instead of a wall.......apologies for the rant but it shows what you could be getting yourself into
sounds like fierce fun and games - old ireland's not gone yet ,huh?

and how did they get on with the planning and how were the locations ??

Much cheaper than the "open" market ??
from what i've learned in the last 3 weeks (more than i ever planned to learn let me tell you) it seems that the planning people have the market ruined
from talking to one of the people who go tthe sites ligit ,they paid 30k when thhey should have been 50k on the open market...
the location was excellent..just outside the city limit on the southside and the planning had certain regulations but some built mansions and other built average home,actually 1 house was extended recently..
and another rule was that they had to build the house within a certain time of getting the permission,a year i think and they couldn't sell within 5 years
I know of five serviced siates available near to me in north county cork.
They are next to a county council housing estate which has about twenty houses.
They are for sale for at least two years now and only one has a house built on it.
so in a nutshell - good idea / bad idea??

i'm just getting so brassed off with the planning dept. that i think it may be the path of least resistance to take
both good and bad...
usually they are built next to a council estate (noting against them,brought up in one myself)
.you are guaranteed planning permission once you aren't planning something totally outrageous..
if you get it for a reasonable price and can afford to build the house for a reasonable price it might be worth it.. last thing.once you identify a place.go and see what;s it's like in the evenings and weekends..