Cork City Council - parking fines


Registered User
Got a letter last week from Cork City Council alleging that I had parked without a valid ticket/disk on 9th June! Fortunately I parked by their 'park by phone' system, so there is a log online on my account that i had paid, about 6 minutes before the nice warden walked past the car.

My query however, is the length of time expeired between the the alleged offence and the posting of the letter to me. If one was using the disks, then presumabley after 6 weeks, you would not have it still lying in the car, especially if ususing them on a regular basis. At least with the phone by phone system there is proof of the payment.

Has anyone any similar experience?
Yes i had a similar experience with dub city council. I recieved a letter in the post informing me i had recieved a fine for throwing a cigarette butt out a window at 6 am on a road i wouldn't really drive on! any way i noticed the notice was dated 30 days before (the fine says you have 28 days to make payment form date of notice) so i sent back a letter saying as this period had expired i was unable to comply. they sent one back saying it was 28 days from date of posting ie post mark on letter but i referred to legislation and sent this back to them and didn't hear back! I am confident i could have proved the fine was bogus by other means, but it just goes to show how inept goverment departments are! I checked out the stats for this kind of fine and they recover less than 20% of fines issued relating to this kind of offense! I think that it is really slack that a fine issued should be posted a full 30 days after it was issued, where was it for this length of time?