Cookery classes in Kildare?

  • Thread starter SteelBlue05
  • Start date


Anyone recommend a cookery class\course somewhere in Kildare?
Anything ?

I was watching master chef at the weekend and they made a reference to one of the contestants having read a book called something like "esscoffier". Anyone know the name of what that book is?
Its probably one of the ones listed here on (amazon) but the way they referred to it, it sounded like it was a culinary bible so Im hoping someone will know the exact one. If I was to guess Id go with "The art of cooking" on that amazon list.
I did an evening cookery class at Colaiste Chiaran, Leixlip on Thursday nights 7-9.30pm. It started 23rd January and ran for eight weeks, so it finished a couple of weeks ago. We enjoyed it so much that we all asked could it be extended and it has been extended for a further six weeks. There is a maximum of 10 per class and every week you cook three courses.

It cost €85 for 8 weeks, I would thoroughly recommend it and I believe it will be starting again in September. If you are interested, contact Colaiste Chiaran adult education and get them to put you on the mailing list to notify you when they are starting in September.