Convicted sex offender allowed to return to school where further offences took place


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Sorry for the long title but I'm flabbergasted by this story and to be honest I'm actually thinking this is the kind of story that the News of the World would have had people up in arms about.

How was the offender allowed to return to work with children after being convicted of earlier sex offences AT THE SAME SCHOOL!

Surely there should be an investigation into the Garda and the School for allowing this to happen?

You are going back to 1985 and 1986. It was a completely different world with regard to vetting and supervison back then. Not sure you can blame the guards. I agree the school taking him back is odd though.
The initial case refered to 1985 and 1986, but he was re-employed by the school between 1990 and 2005 when the rest of the offences took place.