Converting VHS videos to DVD


Ceist Beag

Does anyone know of any companies in Dublin that convert videos to DVDs? Thinking of getting my video collection burned to DVD if its not too expensive and if there is anyone out there providing such a service! If not has anyone any experience of doing something like this?

You should very seriously considering doing it yourself if you have a load of tapes. You can buy DVD recorders for well under 300 euro. You (obviously I assume) already have a VCR. So you need to connect the two together via a SCART most probably and then your additional cost will be the blank DVDs.
Obviously if you go above a certain number of tape conversions yo uwill make back the money you spend on yoru DVD. Bear in mind also, you can then record future stuff onto the DVD. Not much good you converting 200 tapes tomorrow and then finding you have another 30 tapes this time next year.
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You can buy DVD recorders for well under 300 euro.
Check out this link which mentions a DVD recorder for sale in Dunnes for €200. Some contributers posted that have bought it and rate it very highly.
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Thanks lads, I reckon it might be time to buy a DVD recorder so. I'll do a bit of reading up on them first tho as I might as well buy a good one now rather than getting a cheap one that I'll have to replace in a year.
Does anyone know of any companies in Dublin that convert videos to DVDs? Thinking of getting my video collection burned to DVD if its not too expensive and if there is anyone out there providing such a service! If not has anyone any experience of doing something like this?

You don't specify if these are your own home recordings, or commercial prerecorded titles.

If the latter, you will probably find that Macrovision copy protection will prevent you from copying to DVD.

Some Videos used have a form of copy protection. i remember copying one or two videos to video 10-12 years ago, and you'd get an in/out effect...the screen very notably brightening and darkening.
Presume the same thing happens when sending the signal to DVD recorder
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Sounds like Macrovision from the source VCR caused problems with recording on the target VCR. I don't think that this is an issue with recording to a DVD though.
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I had a old video ( 86 or thereabouts) and around 91 bought a newer one. the old one was worthless but I found that it could 'receive' from the new one. having two kids under 10 at the time it was brilliant for copying rented videos onto blank tapes but that in/out thingy Legend99 mentions always happened on Disney videos. kind of though it was build in anti copying stuff alright but the kids didnt seem to mind. like all kids they could watch the same video a hundred times and still go again. The 91 video is still in use and if bbc or utv have poor receiption we watch the tv through it.I find it has a far better build in aerial than any of the new tv's
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Great to teach the kids to casually disregard the law at such an early age. Makes sure there is no problem with those nasty morals or ethics once they get to the difficult teenage years. Don't be surprised to find that your little darlings will see nothing wrong with copying Johnny next door's homework and breaking the law to suit themselves.
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as long as little johnny does his homework properly and gets good marks!!
Dont say you never ever ever went over the speed limit? not even once? jezzzzz, rainyday you are something else.
VHS to DVD is possible

Using a Mac Powerbook and the El Gato TV tuner, I have copied from a VCR to the hard disk and burned to DVD. The VCR connects through the arial socket to the tuner, the tuner picks up the signal and you click 'record'. Dead easy, if a bit slow.
Re: VHS to DVD is possible

The TEVION TV Tuner Card that was on offer in ALDI last week can be added to your PC. If you connect it to a VIDEO through the slot it has for co-axial cable you can make 'spare' copies of your VHS tapes on to DVD, VCD or SVCD. I haven't connected it up yet, but it seems straightforward...
There are other types of these cards available if the ALDI one is gone just GOOGLE TV TUNER CARD and look at the recommendations made on or some British/American discussion fora.
Re: VHS to DVD is possible

Can anyone tell me what sort of disk space would be needed for such a transfer, e.g. 30 minutes of video content equals ??? Mb/Gb of disk space ?
I appreciate that this will vary according to the quality at which you choose to record.
Just looking for a cride 'rule of thumb'.