Converting to Judaism


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A friend of mine has been interested in Judaism for years and has now decided she wants to convert. I told her that I think it is very difficult to convert to Judaism, much harder than it would be if you were to convert to Christianity or Islam. Does anyone know how she would go about it?

I presume the first step would be to contact her nearest Synagogue/Rabbi?
I would have thought it was more difficult because being Jewish is an ethnic and cultural thing as well as being religious.

I would be interested to hear what any Jewish people think of what my friend should do - and if she can convert here in Ireland.
Noor77 said:
I would have thought it was more difficult because being Jewish is an ethnic and cultural thing as well as being religious.
At least your friend isn't male so she avoids the genital mutilation aspect of it.
I know two American women who married Jewish guys and they converted.
Presumably it's not too difficult.
I have heard that Judaism when inherited is passed down the female line.
So if a non jewish woman was marrying into a strict / orthodox jewish family they might have problems in relation to the familys future offspring.

These kids would not be as "pure" or whatever the term is because their mother was a convert.
Noor77, purely out of curiosity, do you know what’s the motivation behind the idea?

I considered converting to Buddhism in the past, but after reading about various religions and ways of life, I have come to a conclusion that there isn’t much in the 'act of conversion' and its more about how I would think, act and go on about everyday life. Then I realized, no one actually belongs to a certain religion – everyone has his or her own private religion! I don't mind if you don't agree, because that might be my own 'private' religion!
The most high profile convert in Ireland is Brian McCába or Brian Maccaba as he is now known:

[broken link removed]

Thanks for all the replies. The Wikipedia article was particularly helpful. I have suggested she move to Canada and convert there... as that appears to be the easiest place to convert!

I would love to hear from someone who has converted themself
Noor77 said:
I have suggested she move to Canada and convert there... as that appears to be the easiest place to convert!
Yes - that sounds like the simplest solution alright.

Has she contacted her local Rabbi/Synagogue yet?
A friend of mine back in the early 90's when I was first in College was interested in converting, he met the Chief Rabbi in Ireland at the time and they were very welcoming in inviting him along to Synagogue.

I really agree with ClubMan that she should contact the Jews in Ireland before moving off to Canada, there are more straightforward ways.
There was an episode of sex and the city that dealth with this when one of the ladies wanted to convert in order to marry a jewish guy and she was refused several times. I think that it came down to her prooving that she was really really determined. They do not want to be a fashion statement and will only take you if you can show that you are genuine and determined.
A Jewish friend of mine in the states is marrying a non-Jew and she has to do a lot of study before she will even be considered. Not an easy process.
You're right. I forgot that Sex and the City was a good guide to how things work in the real world...
gearoidmm said:
A Jewish friend of mine in the states is marrying a non-Jew and she has to do a lot of study before she will even be considered. Not an easy process.
What and why does your Jewish friend have to study?!
ClubMan said:
You're right. I forgot that Sex and the City was a good guide to how things work in the real world...
But it was entertaining and maybe a lot of the ideas expressed, while they may have been exagerated, were not too far off the mark.