Converting land registry title from possessory to absolute to allow sale of property - how easy is it?


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I am the executor of an estate and am selling the deceased's property so the proceeds can be distributed to the beneficiaries.

I have been advised by our solicitor that there is a problem with the land registry title for the property - as the part 2 ownership section states the ownership is possessory. Apparently for the house to be sold - and the buyer to get their mortgage granted - this needs to be changed to an absolute title.

The property and associated land - which is in a rural area - was in the deceased's family for nearly 100 years - being passed down from his father to his mother to his brother and then to the deceased - and as is not uncommon the formal legal transfers were potentially never done. The solicitor is advising he needs to track down the historic folios from the property registration authority to establish the historic position and get the title changed.

Has anyone else come across this issue before - and how easy is it to resolve?