Converting Garage how much and planning permission?


Registered User
Hi! We have a flat roofed garage attached to the cottage that my uncle left us. We are about to do the torch on felt as it hasn't been done for 15 years. The other neighbours have all converted the garages in their detached cottages.

How much would it cost for a garage conversion that is attahced to the house.? Do I need planning permission for this and how do I go about it, i.e. getting the notice that is put up at the front of my house, how long does it take etc?

Finally, is it ok to leave the torch on felt roof and have the roof space insulated - I don't think I could afford a proper roof yet.

Thanks again.
We converted our garage and did not need planning permission.

Most changes to the frontage of the house need planning permission, Replacing a garage door with a window is one of the excemptions.

I also left the felt roof and insulated the ceiling, but we we lucky that we had loads of height to do this.

What is the current ceiling height in the garage and is the floor at the same level as the floor of the house ? Once you have put in a good quality floor and ceiling insulation, you might have a very low ceiling.

We insisted that the garage conversion have the same floor level and wooden floor as the rest of the house and was very well insulated and it was a big success.

I dont have a price for you, as we got other work done at the same time, so it would be impossible to separate it out.

A very cheap garage conversion where you step down to a cement floor with lino and the ceiling is low and the insulation poor is not worth doing in my opinion.
OP, while Huskerdu has found that s/he was exempt it is worth checking with your local planning authority - find out the name of your local planner, and email in a goggle map, with a photo of the garage and a description of what you propose to do. I generally recommend to all clients that they seek an exemption cert regardless, as this save any potential issues with future extensions, alterations or sale

also read the following exempted development legislation

if planning is required, you will require:

  • drawings: site location, plans/ elevations/ sections of existing and proposed
  • OSI planning pack, correctly marked
  • a correctly worded add in the paper, submitting two copies to the council
  • planning application form available from your council website
  • planning notice placed on the front boundary and two copies submitted to CC
  • and a cheque in the amount of 34€

do note that often with old buildings, if for instance there is a septic tank, the council will seek clarification on its condition as a part of any application

the process takes a minimum of 3 months (your council website will have more info)

(you'll appreciate I've shortened all this, as much as possible )

you haven't given a floor area, or outlined the condition of garage or existing house or what demotion works are required, so giving a price is pointless