Converting fromMS word to PDF


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I hope someone here can help me.

I have written out my thesis in MS word and I have converted it to PDF. Now when I open it in acrobat, one graph is wrong. It has all the info but has reverted back to the pale blue colours and is squashed. Does anyone know how to convert these to PDF, or indeed how to draw a graph in acrobat?

Any help is appresiated
Hello colin79ie,

The easiest way is as follows:

Download the following:

When this finished and completely installed do the following:

1. Open document
2. select file-print
3. In the print dialog box use the dropdown in the printer name and chose "primopdf"
4. Then click ok
5. After a few seconds the Primopdf application will open
6. Change the save as to the name you require (click on box with ".." to pick destination.

That should work, everything will look identical to the original word document, also the file size will be way smaller, suitable for e-mail etc.

Let us know how you get on !!

7. Then click on create pdf button