Converting Euro to Stg.


Registered User
Hi lads,
Hope this is correct area to post.
I want to change about 600 euro to stg for weekend break. Should I do this online? how does this work? Do they deliver the money?

Easiest way is to withdraw it from an ATM in the UK. Safer than carrying cash and you tend to get a better conversion rate. Small fee of about €1.50 per withdrawal, but that's cheaper than the bank's commission if you were to change it here.
Re: ATM withdrawals. What bank are you with ? If with Ulster you can take out at selective UK banks with no charge.
On an amount that size You'll pay 4pc in exchange rate fees to the foreign ATM provider, possibly a few pounds on the ATM side, don't do it in the airport.

So all in, you're looking at approximate. Approximate 27 euro
Alternatively use the airport and pay closer to 8-10pc
I agree, the best way is to use an ATM and you get charged a relatively smaller amount at, in many instances, a better (if only slightly) exchange rate
Re: ATM withdrawals. What bank are you with ? If with Ulster you can take out at selective UK banks with no charge.

I'm with Permanent TSB, you're correct with Ulster Bank, there's no charge with certain banks. The only trouble is trying to find them....if you're in a hurry......I think RBS is one...
I have a ulster card and withdrew £400 out of a UK ATM, cost me €486, and
£200 cost me €242 last week. You can usually only draw out £400 per day