Converting a leasehold to a freehold title


Registered User
Hi All

I am in the middle of buying a house and my solicitor has informed me that the title of the house is a leasehold. It used to be a counsel house. I had assumed up until this point though it was a free hold. I’ll be dead by the time lease runs out I know, but I would rather it was a freehold title nonetheless. I contacted the Dublin City Council who are the owners of the folio in the land registry and they said you can get it switched for a fee of 25 Euro to a freehold title. So that sounds good. Also my solicitor says not to worry, despite that, I have three questions

1/Is it possible that a hitch could arise and I would not be able to convert the leasehold title to a freehold title. Has anybody ever herd of complications in this regard?

2/Is their any guarantee you can get at the time of buying that a freehold title can be secured from a leasehold title?

3/Should the vendor convert it for you before sale?

Thanks in advance.

I don't think there should be any problems but don't take my word for it as I'm not a solicitor. There seems to be an established process for buying out the lease so I cannot imagine there being too many complications unless there something odd about it.

I know when I bought my house last year our solicitor insisted to the vendors that they buyout the leashold before completing the sale as it was relatively short (about 60 years left on it I think). So that may be a route to go down but it may delay the process of buying as I think this can take a couple of months if not more. The vendors in my case were already in the process of buying out the freehold so it did not delay it by much.

I hope that is of some help.