Converting 3 Story House to 3 Flats without Planning Permission?


Registered User
A chairde,

Has anyone converted their house into units (modern houses not pre-63) without planning permission? If so, has it affected your insurance? Was it costly?

If your council gets wind of it you'll get charged the development contributions fee for each separate unit you've created. It could run to 1000s depending on which council you are under.
It will also make the house unsaleable. Any solicitor will check the planning status, and if it's in multiple units without planning there's no way you'll ever find a buyer. Plus, if neighbours object (as they reasonably might), you'll have enforcement notices coming out your ears, and may have to reinstate the house as was.

But to answer your question, haven't done it, so I haven't a breeze what the insurance implications are - but (for the reasons above) I'm certain it could be very costly indeed.
A chairde,

Has anyone converted their house into units (modern houses not pre-63) without planning permission? If so, has it affected your insurance? Was it costly?


Surely your insurance wouldn't cover you if anything happened. Your insurace currently covers one dwelling unit, you would have 3 units if you convert it
Insurance is the least of your worries.
You can't do the works without lodging a commencement notice with the local council and you can't get a commencement notice without a fire safety certificate or planning permission.
You need to start thinking again about what you are proposing.

Quite right Tufty.

Has the OP even considered the safety implications of converting a house without planning permission. What would their position be if there was an accident or a fire? Not a leg to stand on. The correct manner to proceed would be to apply for planning permission, a fire cert on foot of the planning permission and then a commencement notice.