Convertible Term Life Cover

Hi Eireann
Depends on who you are with re 1 but
2(a) is generally the best option price wise as you can avail of whatever discounts price pledging that might be on offer but I would take the convertible option better to have it than not if health is good now
Obviously 1 will generally outweigh 2(b)
Re who you are with some companies are expensive when it comes to conversion options which is a concern (down to a change in their re-assurers I believe) hope that helps
I am very grateful for your good info.
I'm sorry to ask again, could you clarify when you say option 1 will outweigh option 2b, do you mean 1 is more expensive than 2b or it will be less expensive, this is the main thing I was wondering about and I understand this could vary for all sorts of reasons, so in general.
Sorry meant 2(a) if rating is not high but if excessive then clearly 1 is cheaper because it’s the only viable option
Thank you again.

I think you probably meant 2b, because those were the controversial ones, 2a i.e. medical with no issues should naturally be cheaper than the others.

I'll leave it at that. I seem to be antagonising people on another thread, so don't want to go start a second bout. Thank you.
The simple answer, as usual, is to run the numbers. Ask the insurer for a quote to exercise the conversion option, and then compare the price to a new quote that you can probably get online.