Control Google Play Store


Registered User
I want to get an android phone for my son but I want to restrict the apps that he can download, both pay-for and free apps. There are a number of ways to control the pay-for apps, bit I cant find a way to control the play store for free apps. I basically want the fone to be used as a fone and as an mp3 player, if he got games on it, he would never speak to a human being again. Help much appreciated.
I think the only way of restricting is based upon inappropriate content (i.e. maturity rating). You could set a password for any purchase/download meaning your son would have to ask permission to get it first.

However, it would be easy enough to get around by just setting up his own google account.

An alternative might be to download spotify so he can stream music, restrict the Google Play store to a separate password and that way he wouldn't have to go through the Play Store for music.
I've used an application called funamo (or similar) to good effect.
So why buy an android smartphone at all?

I'd agree with that. Don;t buy a smartphone. Buy a regular phone which can be used to phone txt and play music like most the older ones were able to do before smart phones made an impact.
So why buy an android smartphone at all?
I'd agree with that. Don;t buy a smartphone. Buy a regular phone which can be used to phone txt and play music like most the older ones were able to do before smart phones made an impact.

He will be getting a smartfone when he gets to secondary school and i dont want to have to but 2 fones.

For those interested, I found exactly the app I was looking for "Perfect App Protector".
Fair enough Bluespud - you know your own needs best of all. Thanks for the tip on the app, useful to know.
A smartphone controlled is a very useful tool indeed and you are right to be concerned enough to control usage - many don't unfortunately. Still be careful not to give away the pwd, I've seen it happen before, you know the type of day when you are hassled and let your guard down for a minute