contractual issues


Registered User
i have contract signed with building company ltd it states on contract that if the company fails to pay me within 28 days of receiving payment for the work i have completed on a council housing project --that i can apply to be paid direct by the council --having not being paid now for 3 months &having 95%of work completed i received 40% of money owed --company says it has not money to pay me-- i applied to council for payment --i have been informed that although the council hold a large amount of money on the contract , they wont consider this contract because they did not sign it !! ----- can any one tell me is this contract useless --- the amount outstanding is 51,000 euro
The main contractor (the building company) appears to have put a clause into your contract passing responsibility for paying you to a third party (the council). In no way is this binding on the council as they are not parties to the contract. Sorry for the bad news, but it sounds like the contract is about as valuable as toilet paper.
I'd agree with mathepac. However, due to the large amount of money involved I would recommend speaking to a solicitor about the issue, they might be able to find some way to help you get your money back.

Do you know if the contract or your invoices include a [broken link removed]?

the council hold a large amount of money on the contract

Do you know what this money is for?

Have you explained your circumstances to the council and asked them if they can help you in anyway? Is there any chance that the council would threaten the contractor with non-payment, until the contractor has paid you?