My father and mother had a joint will leaving a farm, house and land split equally between myself and 2 siblings. They made this known to us and we were all in agreement. However, I tried to explain that they would need care in old age but it was assumed I would look after them. I explained I could not as I work long hours and have many children to educate.
My father died first and all passed to my mother. She made a new will leaving nearly all to my 2 siblings. I was notified about this by a relation and confronted my mother about it. She said that she felt I was entitled, had enough already and she did not like the family I had married into. I live near her and up to that point had done her shopping, cleaning etc as my siblings live away. I have children, they have none. We are all in our 50's.
For the record, I do have assets but these are fully mortgaged and all came from hard work. My siblings have assets too but my mother does not register this as they live away. I have never received one cent from my parents (or anyone) in gifts, help or in the form of childcare. If her assets were split between us equally there would be little CAT as the assets are worth around 1.1 m in total. By splitting it in 2 there will be CAT for both. I have tried to explain this to my siblings to no avail in the hope they would at least change her mind to give something to my children .....but no one will listen to me.
Up to the point of my fathers death, there were no major family rows and none after, until I pointed out we needed to discuss her care in old age. Then I was accused of wanting to put her in a home which I never even mentioned. I have walked away but feel I am letting my own children down.
Can I contest this legally while my mother is still alive? Do I have to wait until after her death to contest it through a section 117 application? Will I fail as I have assets already? Or do I simply have to accept her decision? She is of sound mind. I do not believe there was forced undue influence but I do believe my siblings have continuously bad mouthed my in laws to her. I now have no relationship with my mother or siblings - and that hurts.
My father died first and all passed to my mother. She made a new will leaving nearly all to my 2 siblings. I was notified about this by a relation and confronted my mother about it. She said that she felt I was entitled, had enough already and she did not like the family I had married into. I live near her and up to that point had done her shopping, cleaning etc as my siblings live away. I have children, they have none. We are all in our 50's.
For the record, I do have assets but these are fully mortgaged and all came from hard work. My siblings have assets too but my mother does not register this as they live away. I have never received one cent from my parents (or anyone) in gifts, help or in the form of childcare. If her assets were split between us equally there would be little CAT as the assets are worth around 1.1 m in total. By splitting it in 2 there will be CAT for both. I have tried to explain this to my siblings to no avail in the hope they would at least change her mind to give something to my children .....but no one will listen to me.
Up to the point of my fathers death, there were no major family rows and none after, until I pointed out we needed to discuss her care in old age. Then I was accused of wanting to put her in a home which I never even mentioned. I have walked away but feel I am letting my own children down.
Can I contest this legally while my mother is still alive? Do I have to wait until after her death to contest it through a section 117 application? Will I fail as I have assets already? Or do I simply have to accept her decision? She is of sound mind. I do not believe there was forced undue influence but I do believe my siblings have continuously bad mouthed my in laws to her. I now have no relationship with my mother or siblings - and that hurts.