Contents of a home



Would a valuable painting come under house contents as I have been left the contents of a house and am not sure is a painting included?
why not, if its not listed separately in the will I don't see why not, anyway who says its valuable?

is it listed separately in the insurance policy or is it 'black economy'

Who is getting the house?
Who is valuing the contents for CAT purposes for you?
The painting is valued at 2k I have been told it may be not "contents"
Have u seen the will?

If its not covered specifically in the will then its contents.

If its not contents what else is it or more the point who will get it, the usual way is that all the specific items are dealt with and the residue is divided between the beneficiaries
I insure several paintings all under contents. What else could a painting be but contents? A house is fixtures and fittings, and of course the structure.
Would a valuable painting come under house contents as I have been left the contents of a house and am not sure is a painting included?

If the painting is specifically mentioned in the Will and is being left to someone, then thats what will happen to it.

If there is no specific mention of the painting in the Will, then its part of contents.