Hello. I and my brother are the executors of my father's will. I recently discovered my father has a small quantity of both Vodafone and Verizon shares, presumably as a result of having bough Eircom shares when it floated. I have not found any paperwork related to these shares among my father's papers, the only reason I know he had them is because a dividend cheque arrives a few times a year at his address (my brother lives there now). The cheques, for small amounts, have not been cashed.
What can I do to let Vodafone and Verizon know that the owner of the shares has died?
What will Vodafone and Verizon do once they get this information. In particular will they transfer ownership to the executors? What documentation would they need in order to do this?
In case it is pertinent to the above questions, my father died over two years ago and we do not yet have probate. There is no particular problem or complexity with the will and estate, the reason for the delay in probate is purely down to tardiness on the part of myself and my brother I'm afraid. But trying to get it sorted now.
Thanks in advance for any help.