Contacting Ryanair


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I was about to check-in for my flight when I noticed that my surname for unaccountable reasons has the last four letters missing.

Instead of being Ms Terribly Thirsty, i'm Ms Terribly Thi

Tried to ring Ryanair to see about fixing this, neither my landline nor my mobile service providers permit calls to their 1520 premium rate number. I've completed their 'contact' form, but I don't hold out too much hope of getting a reply.

Does anyone have any suggestions? What happens if I just turn up at the gate with my boarding card/passport (I've carry-on luggage only)?
Aside from the madly expensive phone call - is it likely they'll charge me? it's not a change of name, same person travelling...
I think Ryanair are being asked (made) to provide a customer service e-mail address on their web site. I think it is law is most countries.
cashier, its not a question of expense... I can't ring from either of the mobile phones in my house or my landline, the call will not go through. If I have to find a phone box (and I'm struggling to remember where there is one near me) I'd imagine I'll need a lot of change.

My question was...will they add the 4 letters needed?

They don't have an email address; the contact form only allows you to select predefined phrases, from which you get an automated responsre.

I'm now on to their Head Office and have been on hold for just over 13 minutes. I'm willing to put money that the call is not in a queueing system but pushed into permanent hold.

Found a work around: called the UK number 00 44 871 246 0000. Was told they would undo the check-in, I've to ring back in one hour and they will add the additional letters for a payment of €10 and then I can check in again.... will update ye after lunch! Hopefully there'll be a happy ending here!
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Well done Ryanair UK!

All sorted, €10 admin charge (yep So-Crates it was € & not £); all happy now!
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Great to hear of a happy ending, Thirsty, and hopefully you'll be responsible for more, as you've helped anyone who comes on with similar fiddly Ryanair problem.
Well done

Just came across this on the National Consumer Agency web site. I'd imagine the same law appolies to Ryanair:

In May 2013, we commenced an enforcement action against Aer Lingus Limited as they did not provide an email on their website so that consumers could contact them quickly and in a direct and effective way.
We saw this as a contravention of E-Commerce legislation. Under e-commerce legislation, traders providing an e-commerce service, including airlines, must provide consumers with an email address.
We issued Aer Lingus with a Compliance Notice, under the Consumer Protection Act 2007, directing that they provide an email address on their website.
Aer Lingus exercised its right of appeal to the Compliance Notice to the Dublin District Court, and the case was before the Dublin District Court on 19 July. Arising from discussion before the hearing, Aer Lingus agreed to comply with the Compliance Notice. The Court allowed an extension of time for the airline to make the changes to their website. Aer Lingus was required to have the necessary arrangements in place by 30 August and the airline is now in compliance.
Published Date: 30/08/2013
@Time I don't know to be honest, I dialled the number as a UK number (00 44 etc) & so my phone provider didn't block it as it did with the 1520 number.